The Same Phone Number report module for EspoCRM provides the functionality to select and display entities that have the same phone number. This module is designed for administrators to easily identify entities with the same phone number, allowing for better data management and improved customer experience.
When installed, the module adds a new block called “Entities with Same Phone Number” to the administration page. Clicking on this block will take the administrator to the available entities page at /#SamePhoneNumbers.
On the Same Phone Number report page, the administrator can select the entities they want to analyze, such as Accounts, Contacts, or Leads. They can then input a phone number to search for entities with that number. The module will then display all entities with that phone number in a table, sorted by entity type.
The table displays the name of the entity, its phone number, and other relevant information depending on the entity type. For example, for a contact, the table will display the contact’s email address and job title. The table can also be sorted by any column, making it easy to find specific information.
In addition, the Same Phone Number report module provides several filtering options to narrow down the search results. The administrator can filter by date range, entity status, and entity owner. This allows for even more precise data analysis.
Overall, the Same Phone Number report module is a useful tool for administrators to identify duplicate phone numbers across entities. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful filtering options, it helps improve data management and customer experience.